PDF; Metanoia


Metanoia (teologi) bahasa Indonesia

Metanoia (Yunani: μετάνοια berarti "perubahan pikiran") dalam konteks diskusi teologis, di mana ia sering digunakan, biasanya ditafsirkan sebagai pertobatan.Namun, beberapa orang berpendapat bahwa kata tersebut harus ditafsirkan lebih harfiah yang merujuk pada perubahan pikiran, dalam arti merangkul pikiran melampaui batasan yang sekarang atau pola pikir.

The great meaning of metanoia : an underdeveloped chapter

metanoia anundevelopedchapter inthelifeandteachingofchrist anewedition withasupplementaryessay by treadwellwalden new york thomaswhittaker 1896 99783. copyright,1896, bytrkadwellwalden. 1st s.o inscribed withdevotedlove to mywife, gracegordonwalden. "233clarendonstreet, "boston,october15,1881.

The Great Meaning Of “Metanoia” jesusisprecious org

The sky is the limit with metanoia, and that is precisely the point of the remarkable function of the word in the New Testament. It is not restricted, like "repentance," to a narrow meaning of pain and sorrow for sin, which we then have to force unnaturally to fit with the gospel.

Definition and Examples of Metanoia ThoughtCo

"The effect of metanoia," says Robert A. Harris, "is to provide emphasis (by fussing over a term and redefining it), clarity (by providing the improved definition), and a sense of spontaneity (the reader is thinking along with the writer as the writer revises a passage)" (Writing with Clarity and Style, 2003).

Metanoia (theology)

Metanoia, a transliteration of the Greek μετάνοια, is "a transformative change of heart; especially: a spiritual conversion." The term suggests repudiation, change of mind, repentance, and atonement; but "conversion" and "reformation" may best approximate its connotation. In The King James Version of the Bible, its verbal cognate metanoeo μετανοέω is translated as repent.

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